Welcome to Reggae Geel, the oasis of peace, love, and party: our camping site. Everybody is welcome to join, rest the night, or simply hang out with your crew.
Do your part to make it a memorable experience for everyone. Here’s everything you need to know about our camping site. Any more questions? Check our FAQ page!

Camping site tickets
Get your camping site tickets together with your festival ticket. Camping tickets cost 25 euros in presale and at the gates. In return, you get:
- A camping spot for you and your crew
- A free pre-party on Thursday, with local sound systems
- Access to sanitary facilities
- Bin bags for recycling
And, of course, an unforgettable festival experience with friends. Get the full picture on our FAQ page!

FestiTent: why bother bringing your own?
Don’t like the hustle and bustle of bringing your tent? No worries, you can book a FestiTent at Reggae Geel! When you arrive, you’re good to go for the weekend. Your tent is already set up with all the amenities you need (booked in advance).
Find out more! It’s a great way to experience the festival hassle-free and comfortably.
Select your FestiTent now! Book it when buying your festival ticket.

Vehicle camping (campers and caravans)
Bring your camper or caravan if you like comfort or life on wheels. The separated camper and caravan camping cost 20 euros per camper and 25 euros per person for the entire weekend. Don’t forget to book your camper camping when booking your tickets! You can put up an extra-friend tent beside your camper.
Upon arrival, follow directions from our crew. Unhook your caravan and park your car in the designated parking area afterwards. There’s ample parking space within walking distance.
Additional and front tents aren’t allowed, nor are cars and trucks. Rooftop tents are allowed! More info on camping? Check out our FAQs!

Recycling and waste management on camping
You’ll receive blue bags and grey bags when you arrive. Use these to separate your waste. Residual waste and food waste go into the grey bags. Plastics, tins, cans, aluminium foil, and drink cartons go in the blue ones.
Full bags can be left at our collection point at the camping site. Separate the grey and blue bags well – and receive cool Reggae Geel memorabilia! Find out more about our eco-policy here.

House Rules
The camping site is a temporary village, so we all need to follow some ground rules. Here goes:
- No glass items allowed
- Keep your tent smaller than 50m²
- Complete silence between 4.00 am and 7.00 am.
- Sound systems up to 300 watts are allowed
- No open fire, BBQs only on a stand higher than 1 meter. There’s a dedicated BBQ Area, check your app for the exact location.
- Keep fire corridors open at all times
- No graffiti or tagging
- Respect local laws always
- No sales of any kind. If you want to do business, apply to sell at our Market or Food Court.
Anything else you want to know? Check our FAQ page!
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