Safe & Sound
When will Reggae Geel 2024 take place?
What time does it open, and how late does it close?
When does the camping site open?
Where is the festival site located?
How can I get to the festival site?
Do you use reusable cups, and how does that work?
How do I pay for food?
Can I pay without the card?
Is Reggae Geel a sustainable & green festival?
Are kids welcome at Reggae Geel?
Can I rent a locker to keep my stuff safe?
What can I bring onto the festival grounds?
What can’t I bring onto the festival site?
Are pets allowed on the festival and camping site?
Where do I find lost and founds?
Can I go on and off the festival grounds as I please?
My festival bracelet hurts/is broken/too tight. What do I do?
Can I get free water somewhere?
Will the festival site be clean?
What should I do when there's an emergency situation on site?
How much do tickets cost online?
When does the online ticket sale end?
How much do tickets cost at the gate?
What are Comfort Tickets?
I ordered my ticket online. What now?
I ordered online, but didn’t receive a confirmation email
I didn’t receive my tickets, what do I do?
Can I upgrade my tickets to comfort tickets?
I want to come another day, or upgrade my day ticket to a weekend ticket. Is that possible?
I ordered too many tickets or I can’t come. Can I sell my tickets?
When does the camping open?
When does the camping close?
How much does camping cost?
Can I rent a locker at the camping site?
Will there be a camping pre-party?
Is there electricity or running water for my camper/van?
Can I reserve my spot on the camping site?
Can I rent a tent at Reggae Geel?
Is it a long walk from the camping site to the festival?
What amenities are available on camping?
Can I take a shower there?
Can I cook a meal on the camping site?
Where can I eat breakfast?
Where do I leave my trash?
Do you keep the camping site clean?
Is there electricity available on the camping site?
Can I access the camping with my car?
Can I bring my camper or caravan?
Is there ear protection available on-site?
I’m bringing a kid or a baby: is there ear protection available?
What do I do when I’m not feeling well?
I’ve taken too much alcohol or drugs, and feel unwell. What do I do?
I don’t feel safe, what do I do?
I see intimidation, aggression or other intolerable behavior. What do I do?
What is Reggae Geel’s stance on drugs?
Does my kid need a festival ticket?
I’m bringing a kid or a baby: is there ear protection available?
Are there any activities for kids?
Is there any kid-friendly food available, apart from the greasy grub?
Will the festival site be clean, and safe to attend with kids
Can I leave my kids unattended at the kids’ stand?
Are the festival grounds accessible with stroller?
Can I heat up my baby's bottle somewhere?
My kid is suddenly nog feeling well, what do I do?
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